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Chakra Balancing is a non invasive healing technique

  • 1 hour
  • 30 British pounds
  • Caunce Street

Service Description

Chakra Balancing is a non invasive technique, highly meditative, which uses an energy healing form to bring the seven main chakras into balance. Chakra balancing focus’ on opening or closing a specific chakra ( wheels of energy located within the body) responsible for every aspect of life, working on areas of the client physically emotionally, mentally and spiritually, which may be affecting the functioning of a specific chakra or the chakra system. Energy healing eliminates blocks in your energy centre (Chakras) and regular treatment promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the entire body. Leaving you feeling less stressed, calm and enhances learning and memory, promotes mental clarity, and physical healing/ less physical pain. When energy centres are blocked, positive energy cannot flow freely to certain parts of the body, which results in a range of issues that can deeply affect everyday life including stress, anxiety, sleep issues, pain and illness, lack of focus and more. Energy Healing techniques are used to remind our bodies how to go back into alignment. For this practice Jade brings everything needed to create the space, you can choose to use the chair, therapy bed or cushions, oils and crystals. Expect to feel extremely relaxed after a session. Deep relaxation helps the body to settle promoting better sleep , to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep during their healing session. I perform an aura cleanse and repair a during each session for protection from negative energy. Deeply meditative, this experience brings the body’s seven main Chakras into alignment through a fluid combination of touch, specific essential oil blends and healing crystals. This unique experience leaves you feeling calm and in a state of harmony, resulting in an increased feeling of wellbeing. Energy healing addresses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—not just the physical Energy healing reminds receivers to be in the present moment. When using holistic therapy it is important to understand that any treatment you receive is not a substitute for a medical treatment, rather, it is a complementary therapy to support western methods. Jade can not give psychological or medical diagnosis nor treat as a medical practitioner. It is recommended that you see such a practitioner for any physical or psychological problem both now or in the future.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel please give at least 24 hour notice, in the event of needing to reschedule I will try to accommodate wherever possible.

Contact Details

  • 25a Caunce Street, Blackpool, UK


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